Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Synthetic Bioterrorism?

Synthetic Bioterrorism?

  Author: Manisha Samy

As though combatting against biological weapons were not complex enough with various uncertainties and complex roadbloacks, current events depict a new type of terror attacks—synthetic bioterrorism, if you will. Recently, a Texas women was arrested in connection with the mailing of letters containing ricin, a form of poison, to President Obama, NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg, and the director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns (Williams). According to NBC News, the letters were discovered during routine mail screening processes. In a separate recent case, a martial arts instructor also sent a ricin-stuffed letter to the President and officials. If gone undetected and ingested or inhaled in quantifiable amounts, ricin can cause death within 36 hours and has no antidote (“Facts About Ricin”).

Ricin, derived from castor beans, is highly toxic and can be in the form of powder, mist, or a pellet (“Facts About Ricin”).  It has much of the same symptoms inhalation anthrax; however, unlike anthrax it has no antidote to combat exposure. Although not a biological compound, this chemical compound has been utilized in a “copycat” fashion of the 2001 anthrax bioterrorism attacks. This leads one to believe that the bioterrorism attack, also delivering death-causing agents through the US Postal Office, inspired the delivery of this chemical compound.

How does one combat and compete against ever-evolving, biological-based chemical terror attacks? Bioterrorism countermeasures and preparedness now have to accelerate and meet the demands of a new era of “synthetic biological weapons.”


"Facts About Ricin." CDC. Center for Disease Control, 9 May 2013. Web. 6 June 2013. <http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/ricin/facts.asp>.

Williams, Pete. "Texas Woman Arrested in Ricin Letters to Obama, Bloomberg: Officials."NBC News. NBC, 6 June 2013. Web. 6 June 2013.

Biosurveillance for Early Detection - BioWatch (Efficacy and Limitations)

Biosurveillance for Early Detection – BioWatch (Efficacy and Limitations)


Author: Manisha Samy

            It is of no wonder why early detection of an anthrax attack is beneficial in reducing mortality rates as well as preventing a disastrous disturbance in the system. Fear, terror, panic, shortages of emergency response, etcetera can all wreak havoc during a bioterrorist attack. Early detection can allow ample time for communicating necessary emergency response without undue stress. Necessary pharmaceuticals can be deployed ahead of time and preventative measure can be taken. In a best case scenario, the attack can be halted, through evacuation for example, before the anthrax attack has time to infect individuals. Early detection has also been modeled in reducing mortality significantly by allowing timely treatment after exposure as modeled by Bravata et al. There are four primary modes of detection methods including syndromic surveillance, alternative surveillance systems, laboratory surveillance and environmental surveillance (Kman).

Syndromic Surveillance: Syndromic Surveillance is driven by suspicion. Health departments are able to recognize increases in disease incidences before any formal diagnoses by monitoring “nonspecific, prediagnostic indicators for disease outbreaks in near real-time” to provide early warning of infectious diseases in communities (Kman). The 2001 anthrax attacks were detected through syndromic surveillance (Shea).

Alternative Surveillance Systems: The CDC has taken syndromic surveillance a step further through systems such as the Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS), which uses nontraditional public health data sources including school absentee rates, over-th-counter medication sales, 911 calls, and ambulance data in order to monitor indicators of disease (Kman). The 2007-2008 flu season marked a novel approach in epidemiological surveillance as Google Inc developed an incident report through monitoring health-seeking behavior of millions of users per day through queries made using search engines (Kman). Biosurveillance has taken a whole new turn with the ever-growing processing powers of Silicon Valley. Biocomputation seems to have a bright future in future bioterrorism attacks.

Laboratory Surveillance:  In joint efforts, the CDC, FBI, and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) established the Laboratory Response Network (LRN) of 120 labs in 1991 with the mission to “maintain an integrated network of laboratories that are fully equipped to respond to acts of chemical or biological terrorism, emerging infectious diseases, and other public health emergencies” (Kman). The LRN is also largely responsible for creating a set of standard protocols for handling, identifying, and reporting potential biological agents within a national security context (Kman).

Environmental Surveillance: Remote detection systems and point detections systems are two categories of environmental surveillance. Remote detection systems monitor for potential through observing aerolized masses or clouds and informing the appropriate public health personnel whilst point detection systems are those that sample an environmental source for quick diagnosis (Kman). BioWatch is one of the primary biosurveillance systems put into place for anthrax detection.

Issues with BioWatch:

BioWatch was introduced in 2003 by the Department of Homeland Security with the goal of detecting large releases of biological weapons through aerosol release through 500 sensors located in 31 urban areas throughout the Unites States (Shea). Already, the BioWatch presents the issue of only being able to detect large mass biological attacks rather than low to mid-scale attacks. Furthermore, critics are wary over claims that sensors can detect indoor or underground releases such as within the subway system (Shea). When considering that, according to the White House, 14% (or $38 million) of the Biological Countermeasures budget will be spent on the BioWatch program, a huge predicament presents itself (Shea). Although the location of the sensors are not of public knowledge, the fact that all of them are located in urban areas only presents an equity issue for those people who live in rural areas. Also, there is no hard evidence that the next bioterror attack will necessarily occur in a rural setting. The point of these attacks is to catch our country off guard, not fall into its surveillance methods. Spending 14% of our countermeasure budget just on large-scale aerosol biological weapon detection in urban areas does not seem to be the optimal use of the budget. The detection capability of BioWatch is too narrow for the amount of funding it receives. Perhaps using part of the BioWatch funding on vaccination countermeasures may prove to be more useful.


Putting it all together:


It seems to me that although all four of these biosurveillance systems seem necessary and useful, they are too disjointed. Using all four avenues of detection in a more collaborative manner may provide more value to public health officials. Transparency amongst federal and private biosurveillance systems may also reduce any false-positive alarms of a bioterror attack, or even better, may counter a false-negative bioterror attack.



Nicholas E. Kman and Daniel J. Bachmann, “Biosurveillance: A Review and Update,” Advances in Preventive Medicine, vol. 2012, Article ID 301408, 9 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/301408

Shea, Dana A., and Sarah A. Lister. "The BioWatch Program: Detection of Bioterrorism."The BioWatch Program: Detection of Bioterrorism. Congressional Research Service Report No. RL 32152, 19 Nov. 2003. Web. 29 May 2013.

Utility of Anthrax vaccines in a Bioterrorism Attack

Utility of Anthrax Vaccines in a Bioterrorism Attack


Author: Manisha Samy

Another potential countermeasure to an anthrax bioterrorism attack, one not considered by the Bravata et al study, is vaccination. This may include pre-vaccination before exposure and the possibility of post-exposure vaccination. According to an anthrax countermeasure review, the optimal post-exposure treatment of “immunologically naïve indiviuals should include a combination of vaccination plus antibiotic therapy” (Klinman). This raises questions regarding the cost-effectiveness of providing both measures, especially considering that the probability of another anthrax bioterrorism attack is unknown. A combination post-therapy strategy will require additional pharmaceuticals to be stored in local and state inventories, and yet again policy issues arise as to whom should receive treatment first given that not a 100% of a population can receive proper treatment. A question that may arise is why are antibiotics the current treatment of choice given that the population can be pre-vaccinated?

            Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA), although a licensed vaccine in the US, has concerns over safety and immunogenicity (Klinman). Second generation vaccines based on purified recombinant protective antigen are still in clinical trials; however, magnitude and duration of resultant protective response is modest at best (Klinman). Third generation anthrax vaccines hope to include a variety of immunization platforms, antigens, adjuvants, and delivery methods (Klinman). AVA has never been tested for efficacy in inhalation anthrax, but was shown to reduce incidence of cutaneous anthrax in wool workers (Klinman).

As discussed before, there are three forms of anthrax disease depending on route of infection. The Bravata et al study provides the optimal stockpiling and treatment decisions based on antibiotic treatment based on an aerosol anthrax attack, thus referring to inhalation anthrax in infected persons. Because AVA has never been tested in human inhalation anthrax incidents, creating an effective and cost-effective treatment and stockpiling policy becomes all the more complex. Though, animal models including non-primates have, in fact,  proven AVA to be efficacious in combating aerosol exposure to anthrax (Klinman). We are in the era of great advances in biotechnology and solutions, so why is the development of vaccination against anthrax so slow—especially considering that the first vaccine for animals infected with anthrax was developed in 1880? The slow procession towards an effective vaccination for humans can be explained through bioethics.

AVA has been tested in cutaneous anthrax in humans because there are enough naturally occurring incidents of it to test its effectiveness. Naturally occurring aerosol incidents of anthrax is not possible in terms of the level of spores one must be exposed to in order to contract inhalation anthrax. The only way to test how effective AVA is in human inhalation anthrax would be to deliberately expose humans to enough B. anthracis spores. Human testing is unethical and dangerous. Thus the only way to test AVA effectiveness in humans who would have been infected with inhalation anthrax would be to wait for another anthrax bioterror attack on indviduals who have already received the vaccine. Until then, the best case scenario is to test on animals or wait for the advent of a better testing mechanism without human trial experiments.

An adequate vaccine countermeasure can prove to be one of the best treatment and preparedness plan. An adequate vaccine may provide the necessary effectiveness to allow the “antimicrobial course to be shortened from the recommended 60 days to as few as 14 days” (Wright). The significance in this lies in the conclusion made in both the Bravata et al and Houck et al study: Mortality rates are directly correlated with treatment adherence rates, thus the shorter the treatment period, the greater the likelihood is that a given individual will adhere to treatment to its completion. Vaccines have the ability to reduce treatment to just 23.3% of the current treatment time! Furthermore, it may prove to be more cost-effective from a societal perspective with less capital being spent on other countermeasures, labor required in maintain treatment facilities to treat all individuals, lower mortality rates, less shipments of the current 3-dose antibiotic treatment, etc.

Perhaps rather than focusing on just strategic deployment of antibiotics, we should spend more capital and time on anthrax vaccine research and creating greater incentives for pharmaceuticals companies to invest time in this research. This may also require changes in current FDA protocols in approving experimental trials.


Klinman, Dennis M., Masaki Yamamoto, Debra Tross, and Koji Tomaru. "Anthrax Prevention and Treatment: Utility of Therapy Combining Antibiotic plus Vaccine."Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy (2009): 091016103243051. Print.

Wright, Jennifer G., and Conrad P. Quinn. "Use of Anthrax Vaccine in the United States Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 59.RR-6 (2009): n. pag. Print.



Impact of Distributing Med Kits

Impact of Distributing Med Kits


Author: Manisha Samy

MedKits, is the pre-deployment of medications (Houck). In the case of an anthrax bio-attack, these prophylaxis pharmaceuticals stored with first responders, individual homes, and local hospitals can potentially relieve the understaffed points of dispensing (PODs) distribution channels that local and state health departments have developed as anthrax preparedness and the delay time for push packs to arrive. Although the Bravata et al study modeled at what point push packs were ineffective, it did not consider the addition of MedKits in conjunction to PODs. The Houck et al study develops a model to estimate the impact of deploying MedKits in a community ad if it has the ability to reduce mortality in both cases where push packs are timely and delayed.

The Houck study classifies an exposed individual to an anthrax attack into either the incubation stage, prodromal stage, fulminant stage, and/or death. The incubation stage marks an individual who is infected with anthrax but is asymptomatic. In the Houck study, those individuals who are in the prodromal stage are aware of infection and can either seek primary treatment through a POD site or by utilizing a MedKit if they possess one. As mentioned in the Bravata study, dispensing sites have a fixed capacity of prophylaxis doses so the Houck model sets a local stockpile of 50,000 doses in addition to push pack doses for an urban city. It assumes that those who adhere to treatment will not become ill which is a 100% for those who begin treatment at the prodromal stage or later. They assume that those who begin treatment in the incubation stage will not adhere to treatment. The model was run on various models, including one in which those unexposed used MedKits for fear of infection. Those who take MedKits without exposure use medication that could have been reserved for those who were actually infected.

The results of the study underscore that regardless of the number of MedKits distributed, some number of deaths is unavoidable. There was a mortality rate of 8.2% even with a small attack (50,000 people exposed), the smallest number of potential exposed people ( 1% of those not exposed = 49,500), a 90% treatment adherence rate, and the availability of a push pack within 12 hours and no delay. Thus, confirming Bravata et al’s conclusions that deaths result from delays in attack detection and time to start prophylaxis and adherence to treatment.

In large attacks, timeliness in push pack arrivals helped reduce mortality, albeit by a narrow margin. This leads me to the conclusion that MedKits are not as effective as push packs or treatment from a POD if the addition of MedKits does not lower this amount. The study focused only on urban settings. Perhaps MedKits provided in rural areas may be more useful where local dispensing centers have a higher likelihood of possessing lower dispensing capacities. Also, information may travel faster in smaller tight-knit communities, allowing people to become aware of an anthrax attack and thereby seeking treatment faster. It seems that rather than focusing on MedKits, it is more essential to focus strategic efforts on making sure push packs are delivered in a timely manner, especially n situation where there are multiple attacks.

The Houck study did not consider the costs of providing MedKit either. The cost of purchasing, deploying, and replacing MedKits may be a lot higher than simply increasing the capacity of a POD. Issues of equity can also emerge if there are not enough MedKits to provide to every household. Although MedKits seem to inefficacious in large cities, perhaps it may be more cost-effective in rural towns where the cost of maintaining local inventories staffing may be higher than simply giving all individuals access to MedKits until VMI deployments.


Houck, Michelle L., and Jeffrey W. Herrman. "Preparing for an Anthrax Attack: The Impact of Distributing MedKits." Proceedings of the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference 480th ser. (n.d.): n. pag. Abstract. (2011): n. pag. Print.


A Critical Review and Evaluation on a 2006 Anthrax Preparednedd Study

A Critical Review and Evaluation on a 2006 Anthrax Preparedness Study

  Author: Manisha Samy

Reducing Mortality from Anthrax Bioterrorism: Strategies for Stockpiling and Dispensing Medical and Pharmaceutical Supplies by D. Bravata et al. 2006

How antibiotics and medical supplies are stockpiled and dispensed is critical in an effective response to an anthrax bioterrorism attack. As seen from recent history, this is a very real possibility that requires adequate regional and national preparation. Since there is a lack of unanimous consensus on how to achieve this, Bravata et al’s model aims to evaluate the costs and benefits of alternative strategies for maintaining and dispensing local and regional inventories of antibiotics and medical supplies for responses to the aerosol release of Anthrax utilizing an Excel based compartmentalization method followed by a Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis. Bravata et al looks at four different strategies including strategies enhancing bioterrorism event detection, increasing local and regional dispensing capacities, increasing local inventories of antibiotics, and increasing the national inventories deployed to the site of an attack. The model reveals that following an outbreak, mortality is critically dependent on the local dispensing capacities, that cost-effectiveness of some strategies to prepare for bioterrorism is sensitive to the probability of a bioterrorism attack and the rate of adherence to treatment, and that when dispensing capacity is low, surveillance strategies to enhance attack detection does not result in reduced mortality. On this same run of thought, VMI times only matter where there is a large dispensing capacity and treatment adherence rate. Bravata et al’s work is logically sound and even without a quantitative model, common sense is a good validation of her results; however, there are things that can be both improved upon and interesting questions that Bravata’s work underscores.

It is clear from the model and discussion of the results that the answer to whether or not a given strategy is cost-effective or  is largely dependent on the rate-limiting step which could either mean the adherence, dispensing capacity, probability of an attack, and even the extent/scope of the attack. Bravata does a great job in highlighting this variability; however, what might be more useful and even worthwhile is doing this same simulation given the probability of an attack based on geographical location. It is of no doubt that there are certain areas of the US that are more predisposed to a bioterrorism attack than others. Also, the model simulates a society where there are 5 million people. It would be worthwhile to see how cost-effectiveness of different strategies vary depending on the size of the local area—for example an urban area versus a rural area. In general, most response strategies have only looked at urban areas and have not included rural communities, where cost-effective strategies are sure to be different.  To that end, I believe that this study should research probabilities of bioterrorism exposure given each geographical location based on population and probability of attack to make the model more precise and conclusive in this balancing act, though as discussed in an earlier blog post, delineating these probabilities can prove to be difficult. Another interesting study point for the future would be to look at adherence of treatment stratified by age. Is there a more effective strategy on what population should receive antibiotics first?

The things aforementioned are things to be considered as next steps from this initial model; however, within this model are a few limitations. It does not consider the events in which the anthrax is antibiotic resistant, multiple attacks at once which may affect the VMI and Push Pack(MedKit) delivery, the addition of a low-cost antibiotic, or anthrax vaccines. This study may also be out of date given the recent advancement in technology. In terms of national security, it would make sense to update the model with current parameters and data. Based on a few of the data points the study mentions, the following few blog posts will deal with assumptions and conclusion made by the study.

The study mentions that in its evaluation of the most effective and cost-effective strategies in dispensing medical treatment after an anthrax bioterrorism attack, it did not consider anthrax vaccine as a treatment option. The use of vaccine may improve treatment adherence rates, thus lowering mortality rates. To this end, we will explore vaccination as a countermeasure to such an attack and its potential impact. Next, the study notes that the strategy of sending additional Push Packs to the attack site until the VMI becomes available only results in a small reduction of mortality. As such, it may be interesting to see other effects of Push Packs, especially in a low-scale attack when not as many individuals require prophylaxis. Furthermore, Push Packs only seem to have an effect on reducing mortality if they were to arrive at the attack site 12 hours after initial request. In the event that there is a delay, it is clear from the paper that Push Packs do not have an effect on reducing mortality rates, but are there alternatives to salvaging a delayed shipment of push packs? Are there any other negative or positive externalities with its existence? Finally, although the study models that surveillance strategies to enhance detection do not result in reduced mortality when dispensing capacity is low, it does make a marked reduction in communities with high dispensing capacities through ongoing syndromic and environmental surveillance. An exploration of different surveillance strategies and their current limitations may help realize needs for future generations of biosurveillance programs.


Bravata, Dena M., Gregory S. Zaric, Jon-Erik C. Holty, Margaret L. Brandeau, Emilee R. Wilhelm, Kathryn M. McDonald, and Douglas K. Owens. "Reducing Mortality from Anthrax Bioterrorism: Strategies for Stockpiling and Dispensing Medical and Pharmaceutical Supplies." Biosecurity and Bioterrorism 4.3 (2006): 244-62. Print.










Is Anthrax Preparedness Necessary?

Is Anthrax Preparedness Necessary?


Author: Manisha Samy

In spite of the lethality of anthrax, debate remains on the cost-benefit analysis of anthrax bioterrorism preparedness and to what extent we should focus efforts on bioterrorism countermeasures, surveillance, readiness programs. From experience, we know that the effects of an anthrax bioterror attack can be lethal, but predicting when the next attack will occur and the scale of the attack is far from difficult, if not impossible. The bioterrorism attacks of 2001 prompted extensive biodefense research, creation and implementation preparedness plans not limited to improving the effectiveness and timeliness of distributing and dispensing antimicrobials and vaccines (Wright). The Department of Homeland Security issued a statement in 2008 indicating that “anthrax poses a threat sufficient to affect US national security,” further substantiating the potential devastation an anthrax attack can cause (Wright). Despite the low probability of a catastrophic anthrax bioterrorist attack, there is ample room for concern due to the high-stake casualty an anthrax attack can cause.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 50 kg of B. anthracis  airborne spores released to a population of 500,000 people has the capacity to result in 95,000 deaths and 125,000 hospitalizations, while releasing double that amount near Washington, DC can result in an estimated death count of 130,000-3 million (Wright). The immensity of this figure can be illustrated if we note that less than 500,000 American deaths resulted from World War II in a span of 4 years in comparison to a span of 3-7 days from spore exposure. However, because the anthrax mailing of 2011 were “not the mass-casualty bioterrorism many had expected” many analysts criticize plans that overemphasize worst-case scenarios rather than focusing on “more probable middle- and low-casualty attack” (Powers).  This debate exists due to the unpredictable nature of threat assessment and appropriate size and structure of a planned response. Those in favor of planning responses based on low- to mid-sized attacks argue that, “although the military-grade anthrax agent was highly sophisticated, it was delivered in a relatively unsophisticated way—through the mail system” only resulting in localized incidents and a limited number of deaths (Powers).

Although we cannot know how massive an attack must be to overwhelm or system or whether the next attack will be large-scaled or mid-scaled, the fact of the matter is that anthrax bioterrorism has the facility to incapacitate our society. Regardless of the whether the 2001 anthrax attack was delivered in sophisticated manner and only affected a limited amount of people, it created fear, terror, and chaos. Imagine if the attack was large-scaled. Although analysts have suggested that “terrorists would not be able to orchestrate mass-casualty attacks using biological weapons” based on the 2001 incident, this could simply have been a demonstration of their ability to acquire high-grade anthrax (Powers). The World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks already underscore terrorist willingness to inflict a mass casualty attack and rapid advances in biotechnology and the “diffusion of expertise” in this field “may lower the technical bar over time” (Powers).

It does not make sense to only focus on large-scale bioterror attacks, yet we cannot undermine the possibility because terrorist attacks groups have made it plenty clear that they possess the resources to do so and feasibility is not an issue. Therefore, it may make more sense to plan an anthrax preparedness program that focus on both high-consequence and low-casualty incidents. It is without a doubt that a preparedness plan for anthrax bioterror is needed, it is just a matter of the scale of preparedness required. The uncertainty in when a bioterror attack can occur and the scale at which it is deployed rends planning a preparedness program that is both efficacious and cost-effective quite difficult.  


Michael, Powers J., and Jonathan Ban. "Bioterrorism: Threat and Preparedness." Engineering and Homeland Security 32 (2002): n. pag. Print.

Wright, Jennifer G., and Conrad P. Quinn. "Use of Anthrax Vaccine in the United States Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 59.RR-6 (2009): n. pag. Print.





A Historical perspective: Anthrax as a Biological Weapon

A Historical Perspective: Anthrax as a Biological Weapon



Author: Manisha Samy


What is bioterrorism? Although it has been a hot topic in politics and at the top of the agenda of national security efforts in recent years, the concept of bioterrorism is not new. It was only after the recent 2001 anthrax bioterrorism attacks in the US that the public at large became aware of the immense devastation of terrorist crimes utilizing biological agents. Due to the nature of the disease (causing cell necrosis, respiratory issues, inflammation among others depending on the form of anthrax), it is highly deadly if appropriate treatment is not given promptly. This requires proper detection and diagnosis. The beginning symptoms of anthrax disease can seem like influenza, allowing anthrax detection to go further unnoticed. Terrorist attacks are not simply confined to nuclear warfare, gunpowder, and hijacks; it can take the form of terror at the individual level utilizing disease-causing agents.

Media attention finally brought bioterrorism as a very real threat to the modern US world after the infamous 2011 attacks, and to no surprise at that given that they were the center of the attack. Twenty-two confirmed human cases of anthrax occurred in the eastern United States due to intentional exposure to B. anthracis spores (Wright). These spores were sent via mail in powder-containing envelopes to news media companies and US congressional leaders (Wright).  The goal for terrorist actions is to incite fear and chaos in a community, and that is exactly what was achieved in the 2011 attacks. From personal memory, fear struck the nerve of every American—afraid of opening any letter they might have received in the mail for fear of death by anthrax. Bioterrorism incites a pointed and invasive fear. It attacks each person on a personal, individual level. In the 2011 attacks, 20 of the anthrax cases occurred in mail handlers or people exposed to buildings where contaminated mal was processed or received (Wright). Although this event brought new hype and anti-bioterror initiatives in recent years, history shows that anthrax utilized as a biological weapon is not a new concept. Americans, and perhaps the world at large, just prove to have short-term memory.

The image above maps just a few ways of how B. anthracis has been a focus of offensive and defensive biological warfare research programs and bioterrorism attacks worldwide. In World War I, Germany used anthrax as a bioweapon against livestock and draft animals, World War II marked Japanese anthrax weapon field trials in Manchuria, and in fact numerous countries including the Unites States, United Kingdom, the former Soviet Union, and Iraq conducted anthrax weapon research during different times throughout WWII, the Cold War, and the decades that followed (Wright). 1976 marked an unintentional B. anthracis spore outbreak affecting 96 people when it was released from a military microbiologic facility in the Soviet Union (Wright). In a more recent setting, a religious cult named Aum Shinrikyo attempted to utilize B. anthracis spores as a weapon in Tokyo, Japan, albeit unsuccessfully (Wright). Although far and few between, the use of B. anthracis spores as a biological agent has been a part of global society and warfare for far longer than recent years. The very fact that there have been historic facilities devoted to the military research of such specimens illustrates both the intent to use it a biological weapon and the need to protect oneself from the threat of such a bioterror attack due to the potential devastation it can cause.


Wright, Jennifer G., and Conrad P. Quinn. "Use of Anthrax Vaccine in the United States Rcommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 59.RR-6 (2009): n. pag. Print.